So you have a new puppy or dog and you want to pee pad train them? Great! We are here to help you.
1. What Is Puppy Pad Training
To all the puppy and dog owners out there... The time has now come to look into potty training your pup, and you’re probably wondering; with all of the different options out there, what’s the best way?
Puppy Pad Training is one of the greatest solutions if you live in an apartment, have mobility issues, or live in a particularly cold climate. In essence, these pads work as stationary doggy diapers, meaning that they absorb fluids and control odors.
2. The Difference Between Potty Pads and Training Pads
When you’re looking for pads to toilet train your dog, be aware that there are two different kinds of pad, and they each have a different purpose.
The Potty Pad is for indoor use and is your first step in house training your new puppy.
Where a Training Pad is for outdoor use, ideal for taking Fido’s business outside - once his bladder is big enough to allow it!
3. How do These Pads Work
Potty pads were created to absorb urine, and control odor so that your dog has a “safe zone” to do their business indoors without leaving your home smelling like a dog kennel.
Training pads work in pretty much the same way, but generally - these are made from a slightly sturdier material to cope with the rigors of outdoor use.
4. Potty Training In An Apartment
Bringing a dog into your home is one of the best decisions that you can make. There’s just something about having a dog in your life that’s good for the heart!
Unfortunately, many potential owners rule out the option of buying or adopting a pup purely because they live in an apartment, or house with no outdoor space.
Thanks to products such as potty pads, it is finally possible for you yardless dog lovers to become proud puppy parents, without worrying about how you’ll deal with potty training!
5. What You’ll Need
Back in the day, potty pads were nothing more than glorified napkins, not able to soak up much more than a cup worth of liquid - far less than your puppy produces for sure!
But today, advancements means that the materials used for pads are now able to withstand up to 24hrs worth of bladder emptying. And without a single leak onto your precious hardwood floors!
When training your pooch - accidents can happen so here are a couple of other things that you might want to get:
- Potty Pad Tray: A kind of doggy litter box that you place the pad in/on top of. It makes for even easier cleaning and a very definite area for your pooch to learn to go.
- Stain and Odor Removal Spray: Great to clean off the potty tray, and also - should an accident happen off of the pad, you’re well prepared!
6. Let the Training Begin!
So now that you know what potty and training pads are, and how they work. It’s time to figure out how to train your dog to use them.
Timing Is Everything
Potty training can be quick, easy, and pretty mess free so long as you time everything. When puppies are young, their bladders work almost like clockwork, and as a general rule of thumb, after each of these activities - your pup will need to go potty this soon afterward:
- After eating 10-20mins
- During play Every 15mins
- Upon waking Immediately
- At rest Every 2hrs
For Puppies and Dogs it is essential to find 1 spot for the Pee Pad.
X Marks The Spot
Most trainers and dog professionals seem to agree on the fact that when it comes to potty training - the most important constant; is keeping your “go spot” the same.
Your pup has a natural instinct not to make a mess where he eats and sleeps. You’re going to want to set up an area nearby, but slightly away from where he sleeps and eats/drinks for the potty pad to go.
Crates vs. Pens
Many dog owners, hearing about the wonder that is crate training, and how it helps to stop accidents - leave their pups in a crate while they are at work.
Unfortunately, even with the best intentions, your pup is physically unable to “hold it” for an entire day. A much better way to leave him, if you work a 9-5 - is to purchase a puppy pen. This is essentially a popup fenced in area for indoor and/or outdoor use.
We can combine the crate with the pen to make a more enriched and comfortable environment for the pup! Do this by placing the crate on one side of the pen, along with his food and water. Then, put his potty pad at the other end of the pen.
Start with the pen at a smaller setting, this makes it easier for him to “choose” the right spot, and after a few successful attempts - you can gradually increase the size of his area.
Weekend Warrior
When you’re home on the weekend, you can be more proactive with the little guys training. Using the estimated times we discussed earlier (in our Timing is Everything section), you should clip him onto the lead, pick him up - and place him on the pad whenever you feel as though he might need to go.
The reason that you should pick him up is to help him know that this is a definite “no go” time. If he does need to go, once you pop him down, he’s much more likely to do his business right there on the pad!
Patience is everything for this part of training, and you may need to stand with him for five minutes before he does the deed.
An excellent way to teach him to go as soon as you take him over in the future is to use a code word. Such as “Go Potty” as he’s piddling, then, when he’s done - praise him readily. Keep this up, and you’ll have him going as soon as you say the code word.
Teaching him to use a potty pad is a real learning curve, and there isn’t a puppy in the world who hasn’t had the odd accident. The important thing is to never punish your pup for this. Instead - use praise readily when he does use the pad. And, pay close attention to when he may need to go in the future!
It Doesn’t Last Forever
Pad training can be perfected in a matter of weeks if done correctly!
So, when you’re getting sick of hanging around waiting for your pup to do his business; just take a deep breath. And remember, this is such a short term task compared to the years of happiness you’ll get from having a dog in the family!